Healthy Lifestyle
For me to be Happy, means working on myself every day.
Waking up and doing my work-out is crucial for me to be a happy and positive person. It’s a drug for me. If I don’t have my exercise in the morning I feel disgusting the whole day. It feels like I’m missing something.
In order to contain that healthy way of living it maintain some strict discipline from yourself. But its all about where your priorities are.
Living in La, makes living healthy very easy. Every corner where you look is a health Bar, Clean Eating Spot or a Yoga Class.
Myself I’m training at Equinox. It’s my second home. 3 times a week I’m training with my Personal Trainer Gene. He is my rock. Also known by Mean Gene. He doesn’t talk much, but he really let me work hard. And that’s what I need. I don’t want to chitchat when I’m in the gym. I wanne sweat and feel amazing after my workout. And that’s what Gene does.
See below for some of my workouts. In my next post I will give you a guideline of my normal routine. Xoxo Iggy